What is a Civil Engineer?

April 1, 2014

Perhaps you are considering a career in civil engineering but you find yourself wondering…”What is a civil engineer?” Even today, after years of experience as a civil engineer, I don’t have a simple, canned response to this question. If I am short on time, I am sometimes afraid to be asked this question just because […]

Filed under: Civil Engineer, Civil Engineer Portland OR, Civil Engineer Vancouver WA, Civil Engineering, Civil Engineers, Coastal Engineering, Construction Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Forensic Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Municipal or Urban Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying, Transportation Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, What Is A Civil Engineer, What Is Civil Engineering by admin
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Geotechnical Engineering

April 1, 2014

Geotechnical Engineering is the study of the earth’s materials, such as rock and soil, and understanding their material properties and behavior under varying conditions (such as seasonal changes, temperature changes, shrink, swell). Geotechnical engineers conduct tests, prepare reports, provide recommendations for construction, and observe and advise during construction.

Filed under: Civil Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering by admin
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